
Do We Need to Fear Fat?

Do we need to fear fat? For years, fats were the villains of the nutrition world, blamed for weight gain, heart disease, and various health woes. However, modern science tells a different story. Fats are not only essential to our health; they’re also necessary for numerous bodily functions. Let’s break …

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Unraveling The Carbohydrate Conundrum


Carbohydrates often bear the brunt of dietary criticism, especially in the discourse surrounding weight loss and wellness. However, as we delve deeper into the world of nutrition, it becomes increasingly clear that not all carbs are created equal. Understanding the distinctions between simple, complex, and fibrous carbohydrates can drastically change …

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Protein Needs Increase in Midlife


As women transition into midlife, their nutritional needs undergo significant changes. Among the essential macronutrients, protein plays a pivotal role in supporting overall health and addressing specific concerns that arise during this stage of life. Understanding the significance of protein intake and meeting the recommended requirements can contribute to better …

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Everything I Know I Learned From My Garden

My garden

As someone who looks forward to the seed catalogs coming in the mail the day after the Christmas holidays, I know that my garden, and being connected to nature, is some of the most important parts of my life. I became interested in growing and gardening when I was little …

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My “No More Diets” Approach to Midlife

no more diets

Let’s be real: we live in a world obsessed with quick fixes and fad diets, so the idea of saying “no more diets”, especially with the threat of midlife weight gain looming, might seem radical and scary. However, it could be the key to unlocking a healthier, happier life. The …

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How Midlife is Creating My Purposeful Life


Midlife has often been portrayed as a period of crisis. As in a “midlife crisis”, the kind where 60-year-old men are suddenly buying a Porsche and leaving their wives for a 25-year-old woman. The estranged wife is divorced, alone, and feeling frumpy and menopausal. At least this is how I …

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How Happiness Impacts Your Health


How does happiness impact your health? In the pursuit of health and wellness, we often focus on physical aspects such as diet, exercise, and sleep. While these are crucial components, one often-overlooked factor that plays a significant role in our overall well-being is happiness. Research suggests that happiness and health …

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Nourishing Your Heart: Celebrating Heart Health Month


As February rolls around, it’s time to turn our attention to matters of the heart – quite literally! February is Heart Health Month, a dedicated time to raise awareness about cardiovascular health and empower individuals, particularly women in midlife, to take proactive steps toward nurturing their heart’s well-being. Estrogen plays …

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Lemony Tahini Miso Dressing

tahini sauce

Do you want to instantly jazz up your meals with a nutritious, delicious sauce? Lemony Tahini Miso Dressing will instantly become your go-to for everything savory.

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The Real Reasons Diets Just Don’t Work

teen weight loss

Diets, of all kinds, have been a wildly popular approach to weight loss for as long as I can remember, with many promising quick, and dramatic results. I grew up with a variety of magazine diets, the Grapefruit Diet, The South Beach Diet, and of course Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, …

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Your Doctor is Not a Food Expert


Stop relying on your doctor to give you advice about what to eat. When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet and making informed food choices, many people turn to their healthcare providers for guidance. After all, doctors are seen as experts in matters of health and wellness. However, it’s …

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Clearing Up the Confusion with CBD Oil


The world of CBD, or cannabidiol, is a complex and often confusing one. In episode 49 of the Real Food Stories podcast, I had the privilege of sitting down with Inesa Ponomariovaite, the founder of Nesa’s Hemp. Inesa embarked on a personal journey into the CBD industry after her mother …

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The Healing Benefits of Collagen


In the quest for health and wellness, navigating the supplement industry can be overwhelming. During my latest podcast episode, I sat down with Sheri Geoffreys and Gina Gallagher, co-founders of Yonder, a company dedicated to providing grass-fed collagen and organic mushroom coffee. They shared their personal journeys and shed light …

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What’s Good About Menopause?

gifts of menopause

In all honesty, the menopause transition can feel like a roller coaster of hell for many women. My journey through menopause has been wrought with a good amount of confusion and a return to that feeling of being my 12-year-old self, half excited and half full of dread of what’s …

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Your Kids Health Starts with You

teen weight loss

We all want our kids to be their healthiest and at a weight that feels good to them. You likely know by now that weight and health issues can go hand in hand, but what about weight and vanity? Or, extra weight and other beliefs like laziness or lack of …

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Master Your Diet Mindset For Weight Loss Success


The other day I spoke with mindset coach Cristina Ramirez on the Real Food Stories podcast and got her perspective on what mindset is exactly and how living in a growth mindset is essential to goal setting, particularly when it comes to losing weight, and keeping it off. No one …

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Are Seed Oils Really Bad For You?

seed oils

In my last podcast about the secrets of flavoring your healthy food,  I talked about using oils/fats as a flavor enhancer and not to worry about the controversy surrounding seed oils. Why? Because there is no hard evidence against using seed oils and because the wellness industry is always looking …

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The Benefits of Awareness and Goal Setting

The other day I sat down with life coach Rachel Bohem to hear about her food story and discuss the power of awareness around goal setting. Take a listen to the episode on the Real Food Stories podcast HERE. Awareness is key for goal setting. Awareness helps to cultivate mindfulness …

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The Detriments of (Quacky) Menopause Diets

bad diet books

The other day I had the pleasure of speaking with Kristin Mallon and Michelle Wispelwey on the Real Food Stories podcast. Kristin and Michelle are the pioneers and founders of FemGevity, a telemedicine company that is focused on women’s menopause health and longevity. We continued our talk after I stopped …

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The Top Foods For Your Most Vibrant Skin

food for skin

Having beautiful skin takes a multifaceted approach. Not only do you want to make sure you have the most high-quality products for your face, but you need to be equally as mindful of what you put in your body. On the Real Food Stories podcast, I met up with Natalie …

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The Best Foods to Eat for Anti-Aging Benefits

anti-age foods

As we age, our body goes through a variety of changes, including changes in our skin, hair, and other organs. On the podcast this week, I met with Christine Boev, Ph.D. and we covered what we need to do in order to age with ease – the type of exercise, …

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Menopause, Midlife and Weight Gain

menopause 2

Menopause is the natural biological process that occurs when a woman’s menstrual periods stop permanently. It marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years and that typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. Along with the many physical and emotional changes that can occur during this time, menopause …

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Have a Spring Renewal With Your Body

good food bad food

I’m having a Spring renewal with my body. Spring and resetting my habits have always been very significant for me when it comes to some of the biggest personal changes I have had in my life. One of my biggest decisions happened many years ago, in April, when I made …

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The Amazing Benefits of Yoga in Midlife


As women enter their midlife years, they often experience changes in their bodies that can affect their joint health. Osteoporosis, arthritis, and other joint-related conditions become more prevalent as we age, making it more important than ever to take care of our bodies. Besides eating really well,  yoga is one …

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Why We Women Need Our Sleep

good sleep

Sleep is a crucial aspect of our overall health and well-being, and it becomes even more important for women in midlife. During this time, hormonal changes and other factors can make it challenging to get the quality and quantity of sleep that our bodies need. After a recent surgery, my …

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How To Reset and Get Back on Track

healthy eating

Just when you’re settling into the season of the moment, that transition happens. You know what I’m talking about. Days get shorter, energy starts to wane a bit, and you start to feel like it’s time to make a change. This is what I love about the seasons, especially where …

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What’s Your Food Story?

foos story

We all have a story. We especially have a story when it comes to food. Many of us were raised on diets, striving for a skinny body at the forefront of our life goals. Toss in when you grew up, your culture, and your parents and you certainly have a …

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Make Food Fun Again

spring radishes

I totally get the pressure to “perform” this time of year. The weather is getting warmer, spring catalogs are dropping in your mailbox, cute shorts and sundresses… Take a deep breath. It’s all going to be okay. This has not been an easy two years and we need to be …

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Is Your Inner Critic Bullying You?

inner critic

I have an inner critic who lives with me. Her name is Esmerelda. She came up to me the other day to remind me that I probably don’t want to be eating that new brand of Skinny Pop I found, the one with the dark chocolate drizzled on it. Popcorn …

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Five Reasons Your Last Diet Failed You

midlife reset

Before you jump into your next punishing cleanse, I want to give you a heads up. Diets. Do. Not. Work. You might be thinking that diets are how you lose weight. Come to think of it, your whole life has been a diet. On the diet, off the diet. Lose …

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Next Year Won’t Work Without You


Just when we thought we could put 2021 behind us and happily ring in the new year, we’re in another Covid scare. I know how you feel. I don’t know about you, but I’m at an end. I’m tired of the news yet can’t stop reading. I joked with my …

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Carbs Are Not Your Problem

fall eating

Summer is winding down and, for so many women, I hear the same mantras: I need to seriously stop eating sugar. I have to take a break from alcohol. I can’t wait for fall, then I can really eat better and stop eating so many carbs. Carbs. That elusive word …

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How I Plan My Meals For Success

Happy 2019! Does the thought of New Year’s fill you with excitement, or fill you with dread? For years, the pressure to change on Jan. 1 was paramount (and I have to admit, years later, I still am conditioned to feel a bit this way). Some kind of drastic weight …

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So, You Really Think You’re Getting Enough Calcium?

  I think that I am a pretty healthy eater, and I imagine you might think you are too. So why aren’t you getting enough calcium? As a healthy eater, I always want to get my nutrients from food rather than supplements. Supplements, which can be really useful for filling …

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Rating the Plant-Based Yogurts

Let’s talk yogurt, a good for you, “living” food. Traditional yogurt is made from milk and a variety of bacteria that not only helps thicken and give the milk its traditional sour taste but that are also beneficial for our intestines. They basically feed the good bugs already living in …

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Are Red Wine and Chocolate Healthy Choices?

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”3.0.51″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] A reader recently asked me about the health benefits of red wine and chocolate. I immediately thought that, with the holidays, this would be a perfect question to answer. Like any food or drink, we might know …

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Four Real Food Myths You Should Ignore

When it comes to eating real food, forging a path can feel like a trip through the wild wild west. We all know what to eat, right? How to put it into practice in our everyday lives? That’s another story. The internet is full of stories and testimonials of  “real …

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How To Eat Clean, When Busy Is Your Middle Name

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”3.0.51″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] It has been a busy, distracting summer for me. I am about to send off the first of two kids (I have twins) to college in a few days. All I want to do is spend time …

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A Surprising Missing Ingredient In Your Health

I’m in a bit of overwhelm. I’m a week away from officially calling my two oldest kids seniors in high school (yes, twins). Throw in a brand new sophomore to boot. My “children” are not exactly kids anymore. My two boys hover over me by almost a foot and my …

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Five Ways To Chill Out Without Having To Meditate

It seems that mediating is all the rage these days. Everyone’s doing it: Oprah, Paul McCartney, Jerry Seinfeld, even Howard Stern (according to this list). They seem to have cornered the market on this mysterious combination of uber success and chilling out. While there is something incredibly worthwhile in sitting …

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Go Ahead, Drink Your Coffee

First, full disclosure. I don’t drink coffee. Ever. I just never really gravitated towards it, even in college. Too much caffeine in one shot makes me really jittery. I’m a tea drinker. I see you, my coffee drinking friends, double rolling your eyes at me right now, calling me a …

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New Recipe: Roasted Lemon Chicken

Happy New Year! I hope your last few weeks were relaxing, healthy and happy.  Every December I make a pact with  myself to try my best to leave stress at the back door, eat as few cookies as possible  and, most important, keep up with my healthy cooking and meal …

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Eating Under Holiday Duress

I don’t know a single person who is immune from holiday stress. About a month ago I wrote about starting the holidays with a healthy bang (see Turkey Tips and Secrets if you didn’t get to it) so you would be armed with a few thoughtful words of wisdom to take …

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Mediterranean Salmon Bake

I am a big fan of the one pot meal, especially during the busy holiday season, or on nights when I am teaching a workshop. Like my class the other night, for example. I made this Mediterranean Salmon Bake in advance and there was almost no instructions for the kids …

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Five Things I Learned From Living With MS

As I was walking my dog the other day it dawned on me that I was having an anniversary of sorts.  It has been 20 years since I was first diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.  I will never forget the day, especially because, looking back, I realize how young and naive …

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Five Healthy Eating Rules You Can Actually Live By

I don’t like rules when it comes to my eating. At least the kind of rules that remind me of school, diets, or restrictions. When I eat, I want my food to be healthy, yes, but also creative and delicious. Yet, if we had no rules in life chaos and …

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Taming Your Picky Husband (In Three Easy Recipes)

I get this from clients all the time, and you might even relate: they want to lose weight, they want to eat better and introduce more foods into their everyday – if only for the picky eaters in the house. And I’m not talking about their five year olds. Many …

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Cucumber Watermelon Agua Fresca

It has hot as the blazes outside today. A steamy, humid 90 degrees.  Hydration is in order. I am first to admit that I do not love to drink plain water and I am not very consistent with it if it is sitting all lonely in a bottle or glass. …

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Your Beautiful Skin Starts From Within

There are a seemingly endless amount of beauty products on the market, all claiming to restore your skin to its youthful self. What you put on your skin certainly can help, and companies like Beautycounter (my new favorite line), made with only ingredients that are considered to be ultrasafe for …

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Learning From The Dirt

I am practicing patience this week.  Today a sunny, early spring day (we are off to a slow start in the notheast!),  I headed straight to my garden.  See, I have big plans for my micro farm this year: new greenhouse, new raised beds, a real, productive system for growing my …

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Calling All Doers (Not Dreamers)

I just returned from a week on the Emerald Isle – or Ireland as we call it. After this winter, the need to escape my surroundings and regroup was very strong. I have said this before, spring is always best for me to get my wheels turning, do a 180 …

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Teenage Snack Attack

My three teenagers are like eating machines. And sometimes turn into monsters when they get too hungry. I didn’t grow up with boys in my family.  We were a family of girls (my  mom, my two sisters and myself), all  teenagers grappling with various issues surrounding our body image and …

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Deep Winter Journal: A Day Of Noticing

I have had winters where I have resisted this season fiercely. Dark days, little sunlight. Not for me. But the other day  I took a slow walk around my place. And simply  noticed. The white snow against the brown, restful trees taking a long needed rest. The tall grasses gone …

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Can Food Really Boost Your Immune System?

I am a person who rarely gets sick.  I like to think it is because of the way I eat: little to no processed foods, lots of seasonal vegetables and fruits, whole grains, etc.  Almost all my meals come out of my kitchen which means they use a minimal amount …

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Say Goodbye To These 2014 Diet Trends

I understand, I really do.  Sometimes we just want the magic bullet, the one diet that will finally save us, allowing us to effortlessly lose weight and feel great.  Especially during this time of year, when right about now, some of you are feeling like you’ve taken the holiday revelry …

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Know Your “Why”

I have been contemplating this statement for years because knowing your why helps set your intention and gives you purpose.  It’s like a calling and I believe that we need a “why” when we are beginning a journey to change our health for the better, lose weight, gain energy or …

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What In The World Am I Supposed To Eat Anyway?

If you surf around the internet, or read the latest newspaper or monthly Oprah magazine, it becomes pretty clear that there is no consensus on what to eat.  The other day I saw an article about a new study on low carb diets versus low fat diets (and the winner …

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Are You Afraid Of Losing Weight?

What are you holding on to? I have been asking myself this question a lot this summer. First, it was nudging my very reluctant younger son to sleep away camp (and feeling like an incredibly guilty mom). Then it was getting on the boat during my trip to Maine (I …

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It’s Not About The Food, It’s About The Love

I have to admit something. My summer, though busy, has been leaving me feeling a bit frazzled.  Months ago my husband and I planned a trip to Maine, to be taken when my kids were at sleep away camp (a rare occurrence for all three kids to be away at …

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Five Ways To Be Less Dependent On Sugar

It happens to all of us. You are curled up on the couch watching TV and suddenly your brain starts nagging you for something sweet.  Without even giving it a thought, you walk into the kitchen to grab a couple of cookies, or some ice cream you’ve hidden in the …

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How To Pick The Best Olive Oil

As is the case with most food products that get the green light for health, there seems to be an overwhelming variety of olive oils these days.  A trip to Whole Foods the other day revealed about a dozen different kinds of extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil …

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With Exercise, Do Something You Love

I was so excited to read a New York Times article this week (“Losing Weight Might Require Some Serious Fun“, click HERE to read it) that showed the importance of making exercise fun.  The article talks about a study done with two groups of women.  In the first group the …

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Handing Down Healthy Habits To Our Teenage Daughters

Tis’ the season for the college kids (maybe yours included) to come home for the summer.  I usually get a lot of calls from mom’s at this time of year, looking to help their daughters get back on track and undo any minor damage that was done from their first …

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The Self Sabotage Game We Play

self belief

It’s finally spring and you’re charged up.  After another Covid winter, you decide that this is the year you’re going to lose the twenty pounds that have been slowly creeping up. Good for you for making the commitment. So why does making healthy changes often feel like a failure before …

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Winter Weight Loss Survival Tips


I live in Connecticut where winter is still rearing its ugly head with such full force it feels like we may never see a warm sunny day.  If you live anywhere south of here (and I hope you do!) these tips might not apply to you – you can walk …

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How I Lost 20 Pounds And Kept It Off

Here is a true confession that I don’t include in my bio on my website.  In the not so long ago past I had been carrying an extra 20 pounds on my not so large 5’4″ frame.  How much I weighed doesn’t matter. It was too much for me, my …

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Take Care of Your Healthy Heart

It is February (six weeks until Spring!) and it is also  American Heart Month. Before we get into the chocolate (dark chocolate please!) and flowers you will receive from your sweetie, let’s talk about something many women don’t know about: heart attacks don’t just belong to men. Heart disease is …

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Is Inflammation Helpful or Harmful?

Inflammation is the 2013 buzz word of the year (okay, that’s my interpretation!)  Some catchphrases in the world of nutrition come and go (remember “fat-free” of the 80’s?) but if you haven’t heard of the word inflammation yet, it’s about time to listen up. What is Inflammation? We usually think …

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Which Diet To Choose? Chances Are It’s None.

I  walked into Barnes and Noble the other day to buy a gift and was immediately assaulted by the front kiosk of books trying to swallow me up. This picture made me laugh and irked me all at the same time because it says so much.  The diet industry, a …

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20 Snacks That Don’t Come In A Package

The subject of snacking comes up quite a bit with my clients.  Is it okay to snack?  Should we be snacking and if so, how much?  What type of snacks are “allowed”? Snacking is not decadent or indulgent.  Snacking should be considered an essential part of your day, but not in …

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2014: Create A Vision of Your True Self

It’s resolution time!  How many of you have resolved to finally lose ten pounds this January or go to the boot camp class (that you secretly dread) five times a week?  Or how about no longer eating sugar, wheat, gluten or dairy – only to have it all fall apart …

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Stress And Weight Gain Are Related

I know this is a happy time of the year, what, with not just one, but at least four holidays piling up on each other (depending on what holidays you choose to  recognize).  With all those holidays, the travel, the spending, the parties, the eating, I want to remind you …

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Cooking Class: Turkey Wild Rice Soup

You’re stuffed.  You’re bloated.  Okay, you ate more than you promised yourself.  It’s understandable, we all do it.  The important thing to remember is when you fall down, brush yourself off and get back up! I always say that it’s not about the food..except when the food counts for something …

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Five Ways To Avoid Holiday Regret

You’ve been doing so well this fall.  Summer was behind us and it was time to turn your priorities back to you – exercise, less wine, more healthy food, more time for you.  And now, ugh, the holidays are coming up and you are afraid all your good intentions are …

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Is Organic The Way To Eat?

I gave a talk yesterday on eating with the seasons and naturally the conversation turned towards what kind of food,  exactly, should we be eating: the organic kind that is shipped across the country?  The kind that is grown on the local farm but sprayed with pesticides?  The local organic …

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Three Whole Grains You Haven’t Tried

Grains don’t seem to be anyone’s friend lately, what with the gluten-free frenzy coming out with two gloves swinging (making the food industry about 7 billion dollars this year).  Gluten seems to be blamed for everything these days from digestive issues, to ADHD to memory problems.  That’s a bad rap. …

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The Five Phases of Food and the Fall Season

five elements

Fall is always a bittersweet time of the year for me.  Although I welcome the cooler weather and the thought of slowing down for the winter, I already miss the carefree summer and mild weather.  And of course, being a foodie, I will miss watermelon, light salads, corn on the …

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The Five Phases: Indian Summer

Hello Fall! Or as we say right now where I live, Indian Summer.  These are some the best days in the Northeast, high 70’s, dry and sunny almost everyday.  I see it as a chance to ease out of summer and into the colder months of autumn – cold, dark, …

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Dying Of Thirst

We are a water obsessed society. Everywhere you turn, the health gurus, coaches and quacks profess the vital importance of drinking as much water as possible, mainly with the argument that we are flushing out the dirty toxins from our bodies and getting ourselves clean.  There are even water fasts …

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Is Your Lack of Sleep Making You Gain Weight?

How much sleep did you get last night? If you are like most people, not enough.  Many adults, and children for that matter, subsist on too little sleep and this is proving to have a direct connection between slower metabolism and overeating and weight gain.  A study done from UC …

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Five Ways To Tell You Are Eating Your Best

We all have good days and bad days when it comes to healthy eating.  Sometimes it’s a beans, brown rice and a green smoothie day. Other days you find yourself digging your fork into your kids macaroni and cheese and finishing off their ice cream cone, only to be sneaking …

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Don’t Blow It All On Your Next Vacation

Finally, the day has arrived: your summer vacation.  One whole week of easy, breezy carefree days, long afternoons spent at the beach with fruity cocktails and sunset appetizers. Finish that off with a big dinner out and waking up late in the morning.  Rewind, repeat. Sounds great doesn’t it? If …

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Is Food Affecting Your Mood? Three Ways It Might Be

Is your brain a product of what you eat?  Is it really a big deal that we start our day with a doughnut and coffee in the morning rather than a bowl of oatmeal and berries?  I would argue (and so would a large number of competent researchers) that diet …

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The Five Phases of Food: Fire

Happy Summer!  It is hot and humid in Connecticut today, and a very appropriate time to talk about the Summer phase of the Five Seasons. What are the Five Seasons? The Chinese believe that the seasons are surrounded by five energy fields: wood, fire, earth, metal and water.  These energy …

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Swap This! Better Choices For Everyday Foods

When you see the words “all natural” or “organic” on a food label what else comes to mind besides being really good for you?  Well, it tuns out there is plenty to think about.  If you don’t know this by now, food marketing is BIG business, and the words “natural” …

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3 Mistakes Women Make When Trying To Lose Weight

We all make mistakes.  And when it comes to losing weight, some of us are the worst offenders.  It’s no mystery that many women lose weight, only to regain it all (or more) back, and stories abound with tales of celebrity misfortunes (think Oprah).  We seem to start strong, so …

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Three Ways To Cut Ties With Your Inner Sugar Addict

There are many things to love about sugar. It tastes great, it gives you instant energy, it…okay, that’s about it.  Sugar reminds me of the bad boyfriend we had in college. Charming at first, then leaving you with nothing but heartbreak.  When they come around again, you instantly take them …

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Three Reasons You Might Want To Rethink Your Detox

The subject of detoxing is very hot right now and spring is the perfect time to think about cleansing, renewal and making changes in our health.  After all, we are just shedding our heavier eating habits from winter and most of us are likely looking for fresher, lighter way of …

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The Five Phases of Food – Spring

I wrote in a blog post back in February about the Five Phases of food and how this ancient theory of Chinese medicine has really influenced how I eat and plan my meals (read that blog post here).  The Five Phases follows closely with the seasons and adds in another …

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Take That Paleo, The Mediterranean Diet Wins Again!

baked feta

Did you hear the news?  A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the Mediterranean diet has once again been shown to help stave off heart disease and stroke – two major causes of death for men AND women (many of you women think only men are …

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How To Create The Perfect Meal

As a culinary nutritionist, I get plenty of “what are you making for dinner tonight?” from friends, family and clients. I cook, a lot, because making and eating my own food matters to me, much more than ordering takeout or eating something processed and packaged. Of course there are times …

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The Best Resolution You Can Promise Yourself

The holidays have come and gone, and I imagine that most of you feel a bit drained and melancholy.  Gone are the parties, the celebrations, the togetherness and here to stay are the dark days of winter, the few extra pounds you might have gained and the lull of the …

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A Food Diary Is The Key To Weight Loss

A nibble of this, a bite of that.  Just a small glass of wine, or a few handfuls of potato chips.  What’s the big deal, how many calories can that add up to anyway? Well, a lot, especially if you are trying to lose weight.  When it comes to losing …

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Keeping Your Eye On The Prize

Welcome to my new Green Palette blog, I am so glad you are here! I have been sending out newsletters for a couple of years and finally have gotten up to speed with a brand new website and blog to house all my thoughts, tips and nutritious recipes. I have …

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