Lose the Old NY’s Resolution, Try This Instead

Even though I am well past crafting a long list of punishing New Year’s resolutions that get me nothing but heartache and struggle (think every diet and detox you have every been on), I still get drawn into the promise of a new year. It’s understandable. A new calendar, a new number (2025!), the promise that this year is going to be “the best year ever” is alluring. Not to mention the dizzying amount of challenges, new diets, deals at gyms and on and on.

I am certainly feeling the pressure of the anti-ageing messages that women (and men) get blasted with, and this is not just during January but all year. I’m not just allowed to get older but I have to also make sure I look like my 30 year old self. And when I don’t live up to that expectation, cue the punishing messages of not good enough. I am realizing that we do not honor the wisdom of getting older and instead worship the promise of youth.

That is not to say that I do not want to look and feel my best, and treat my body in the healthiest way possible but lets all take a big deep breath and take some of the pressure off just because it is January. You are doing your best. I am doing my best, recognizing that December is an unusually busy, stressful, fun-filled month of too many holidays, too much party food and too many festive drinks. Take another deep breath (actually take a couple of deep breaths, they are a powerful yet simple step for stress management) and start again. It is likely that you will get back to a more normal routine, back to exercising and eating better.

And that is the beauty of life. We can always begin again. When life throws you off base you have the power and opportunity to get back on track. Let’s do that now, or whenever you feel ready.

If setting goals in the new year gets you excited I have a much better and kinder way of doing this. Once all the hype of gyms and diets fades away you might find that with my RESOLUTION REDO you are still doing it – setting up some simple goals, following them and feeling successful.

Wouldn’t that feel good?

Download my 2025 RESOLUTION REDO right now and learn how to make and set goals for yourself that are doable and you feel good about. After you do, send me an email, I would love to hear how you are doing!

Here’s to a great start of our new year!

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