Displaying 95 Episode categorized under Heather Carey Nutrition

Add In and Crowd Out These Foods During Menopause

weight loss tools

When women enter perimenopause and menopause, do they need to upend the way they eat? The internet would have you believe this. You are not broken, you may just need to shift your focus now on taking the best care of yourself. In Todays Episode, Heather Talks About: Menopause and …

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The Three Reasons Why You Gain Weight in Menopause

menopause 3

Last week on The Real Food Stories Podcast I talked about taking the mystery out of menopause so we can get a grasp on how to deal with the many changes we women go through in midlife. Take a listen to that episode if you haven’t already done so (HERE). …

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Midlife, Menopause and Weight Gain


There is one thing that every woman on this planet has in common: menopause. Yet, menopause is wrapped up with so much fear, confusion, and mystique that it is time to get clear on what it means for you in midlife. This is part 1 of my menopause series: How …

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Yoga and the Power of Healing

yoga practice

If you have beliefs about yoga that it is just not for you because you are either not flexible enough or fit enough, think again. The practice of yoga has taken on a mystical allure that can turn some people off from taking up this practice in the first place …

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The Relationship Between Sleep and Health

You cannot argue with solid research. The relationship between our sleep and weight, heart disease, diabetes, our general well-being, and stress cannot be disputed. Sleep in itself is fascinating. When we get enough good, quality sleep our bodies jump into action. Hormones go to work, our brains get repaired, and …

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