Displaying 95 Episode categorized under Heather Carey Nutrition

Navigating the Wild West of CBD


Is the world of CBD as confusing to you as it is to so many? Clearing Up CBD Confusion Imagine the power of an alternative health treatment that can help with everything from epilepsy to inflammation. I sat down with Inesa Ponomariovaite, the woman behind the CBD company Nessa’s Hemp, …

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Discovering the Power of Collagen

Have you ever felt lost and overwhelmed in the supplement aisle? We’ve all been there. Today I bring you some much-needed clarity as we converse with Sheri Geoffreys and Gina Gallagher, the dynamic duo behind Yonder, a grass-fed collagen and organic mushroom coffee company. Their entrepreneurial journey was born out …

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Trauma Triggers and Eating Disorders

Nicole Kerr

It can be argued that eating disorders, while complex, are a product of childhood trauma and other by-products of growing up. This was certainly the case for former Dietitian Nicole Kerr. What about a near-death experience? In her late teens, Nicole had a near-fatal car accident that scarred her physically …

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The Hidden Gift of Menopause

Jeanne Andrus

I’m going to be fully honest. Before I spoke to today’s guest, Jeanne Andrus, I had a pretty skeptical view of menopause. If you are a woman going through menopause/perimenopause or even in midlife, you know how confusing, aggravating, and soul-killing this time of your life can be. Changing bodies, …

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