I have had winters where I have resisted this season fiercely. Dark days, little sunlight. Not for me.
But the other day I took a slow walk around my place.
And simply noticed.
The white snow against the brown, restful trees taking a long needed rest.

The tall grasses gone the color of pale straw.

The lone bird houses, empty and bare, patiently waiting for the spring birds to return home.

Tiny icicles hanging off the warming hut that houses our ice skates and a toasty fire.

The beehives, wrapped in their winter insulation, hopefully teeming with life on the inside. We won’t know for sure until the spring if they have survived the bitter, deep cold.

The chickens, cozy in their coop, lovingly producing eggs for us everyday. I am filled with gratitude for those little birds.

My beautiful garden, covered in a blanket of protective snow. I know there is purpose for all this dormancy and quiet.

The quite running river, temporarily deserted by the mallards and Canadian geese. Watch this very short video of the beautiful winter silence outside my back door.
I know there is a deep need to be present, to rest and to stay in this moment that is only temporary.
And simply notice.