Displaying 95 Episode categorized under Heather Carey Nutrition

Laura Broome Unveils The Keys to a Resilient Life

Laura Broome

Laura Broom, a resilience coach with a remarkable story of transformation, joins us to reveal her secrets to bouncing back stronger than ever. Having faced breast cancer, the death of a child, a heart transplant, and an unexpected divorce, Laura’s resilience isn’t just theoretical – it’s a lived reality. She’s …

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How To Anti-Diet with Joanne Edinberg

Joanne Edinburg

Imagine feeling at peace with every morsel you eat and loving your body just the way it is. In my heartfelt conversation with Joanne Edinburgh, a certified eating psychology coach, we unravel the intricate ties that bind us to our food and self-image. Joanne’s own story moves from battling food …

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Navigating the Hidden Struggles of Midlife Eating with Nicole Christina

Nicole Christina

When you think of eating disorders, do teenagers immediately come to mind? You might be surprised to learn that midlife women are equally, if not more, vulnerable to these struggles. Psychotherapist Nicole Cristina joins me to unravel the complexity of eating challenges in midlife, addressing the life transitions that often …

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