Displaying 94 Episode categorized under Heather Carey Nutrition

How, and Why, to Start a Garden Wherever You Live

greg Peterson

Greg Peterson, the owner of Urban Farm, talks to me about getting started in gardening, and the season is now! The simple act of growing your vegetables is not only a benefit to your nourishment, it’s a benefit to the environment and your health. This episode will transform your view …

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Fix Your Sleep with Dr. Bijoy John

bijoy John

Dr. Bijoy John, a sleep specialist, joins us for a thought-provoking session that might just be the key to unlocking the rest you’ve been yearning for. Through Dr. John’s expertise and personal narrative, we veer into the intricacies of sleep and its profound impact on our health, mood, and even …

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Five Reasons Why You Need a Reset

spring salad

Break free from the winter blues and find joy in a plate full of vibrant, seasonal goodness. That’s exactly what awaits you with my Spring Healthy Eating Reset, tailored for women in the prime of midlife. Starting April 5th, 2024, I invite you on this exciting journey, not through the …

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