Displaying 94 Episode categorized under Heather Carey Nutrition

Eating the Mediterranean Way with Stavros Mastrogiannis


What if the secret to a longer, healthier life was hidden in the past? Join me as I uncover the wisdom of the Mediterranean diet with our guest, Stavros Mastrogiannis, a 29-year veteran in the weight loss field and founder of the Stavros Method. With his rich upbringing in Greece …

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Reimagining Midlife and Menopause Wellness with Amita Sharma


Amita Sharma is the founder of Nourish Doc,  an online platform for menopause wellness resources. Amita shared her story and struggles of perimenopause and menopause amidst a corporate world that barely acknowledges its existence. She created her platform out of what she saw as an unmet need. Amita’s mission with …

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Navigating the Supplement Maze


Do you ever wonder if you’re getting the right nutrients from your diet or if you need all those supplements? Join me in this episode of Real Food Stories into the complex world of dietary supplements. I’ll share what supplements I take (it’s not a lot!), emphasizing the importance of …

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Micronutrients: More is Not Better


It might surprise you to learn that one of the secrets to good health lies in the tiny but mighty micronutrients—vitamins and minerals—that we often overlook or don’t take the time to think about when we are making everyday food choices. Join me as I unpack the essential roles of …

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The Crazy Fads of Fat

oils and fats

Just like carbs and protein, there have been plenty of crazy fads when it comes to fats. In this episode I talk I highlight the latest and greatest debate – seed oils. Are they harmful for you? Should we continue to use them, and has social media simply hijacked another …

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