Displaying 95 Episode categorized under Heather Carey Nutrition

Mindfulness is the Answer to Everything

Mindful is defined as “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.” Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, we are complicated people having to contend with quick fixes and instant gratifications. If we …

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Changing Your Habits to Help Your Kids

Sheila Carroll

You, of course, only want the best for your kids, especially regarding their health. But what about their weight, how thin they are, or how shape they are in? As parents, we all come with our own deep-seated beliefs around weight, fears of weight stigma, and then, how to go …

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Childhood Trauma and Body Image with Susan Gold

susan gold

TRIGGER WARNING: this episode contains conversations about eating disorders and sexual abuse. If these topics trigger you, you may want to skip this episode. How we were raised and by who can directly impact our body image. When our parents bring their own eating issues (as well as substance abuse) …

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Master Your Mindset with Cristina Ramirez

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Cristina Ramirez and hearing her very personal and vulnerable story of the intense grief over suddenly losing her husband to cancer and how that has unfolded into a mindset coaching practice. Cristina’s life’s work is to help you redefine what’s possible, gain …

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Four Secrets to Make Healthy Food Taste Delicious

healthy garden

There is a stigma around “healthy food” that is boring, bland, and blah. No longer! On today’s podcast, Heather is sharing her best-kept secrets for making your simple healthy food taste delicious. This is food that you actually look forward to, not something that you need to eat simply because …

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