My three teenagers are like eating machines.
And sometimes turn into monsters when they get too hungry.

I now have three teens of my own. My two boys, who tower over me, and my daughter, having the normal body image issues of a young girl, trying her hardest (with a mom who is a nutritionist) not to get caught up in diet crazes and accepting her body for what it is – beautiful.
My daughter, I can totally relate to. My two boys? I am consistently fascinated with their appetites that never seem to cease.
And hence, comes the real challenge. When my kids walk in the door from school, there better be something substantial for them to eat. It is starvation on a critical level. And if there is nothing available quickly, well, see the picture above.
Because I have been victim of the wrath of hungry kids, I make sure to always be stocked.
Lately, though, I have gotten into a snack rut. Call it cold weather, or being incredibly busy. Whatever the reason, I have been buying way too many prepackaged snacks: popcorn, tortilla chips, hummus. Not the worst choices for snacks, but not very satisfying for eating machines.
So I am getting back to business. I made these no bake Energy Bites today, in bulk, freezing them and bringing them out when needed. Tomorrow will be bars and then onto some dips and muffins.
Let’s share ideas! What healthy snacks do you make for you kids? Let me know in the comments below. I’ll be posting my recipes as I make them too.