Healthy Holiday Eating is Easy! with Shelley Loving

Shelley Loving
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Join me as I chat with healthy cooking instructor Shelly Loving about eating well through the holidays!

Following her husband’s almost fatal heart attack Shelley went from a kitchen novice to a health food maestro. Shelley decided to take charge of her kitchen to help her husband, which not only ended up helping her health too, but also started her career as a healthy cooking instructor.  Our candid conversation reveals the simplicity of maintaining a healthy diet without feeling overly restricted, especially during the holiday season.

We delve into the science behind inflammation and its impact on our health, showcasing tips for replacing food groups that cause inflammation and the importance of a well-organized kitchen, equipping you with practical tools to improve your cooking experience.

As the holiday season is upon us, we address the elephant in the room – festive eating, striking a balance, and maintaining a healthy diet without striving for perfection. We discuss our personal experiences of healthier holiday eating and share practical tips to help you avoid holiday weight gain and regret.

Where to Find Shelley
Shelly’s Website Can Be Found HERE
What’s On Your Fork Cookbook HERE
Shelly on IG HERE

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